Tuesday, April 30, 2019

With love and prayers by F. Jarvis. Quotes XIV

-I pray that, in your own lives, you will dare to have high hopes, not only in your relationships with others, but in what you do with your lives. Cast fear aside. Let your hope be divinely irresponsible. No risk of pain, no chance of gain.
-I plead guilty. Show no mercy. I don't regret a word of what I said. I accept the accusation of being an idealist as a crown upon my head, as the ultimate compliment. I rejoice in the accusation with my whole being.
-The principal reason for this school's existence is to advocate, advance, and inculcate in students certain great personal qualities.
-We care most of all what kind of person a boy is, because we believe that personal qualities are far more important than academic success in fitting students for public service. Three of those qualities are: discernment, vision, and courage.
-Discernment begins with ourselves, with self-awareness.
-Discernment extends beyond ourselves so that we become aware of and sensitive to the pain, the loneliness, the hurt in the lives of those around us. We are not all wrapped up in ourselves.
-A few things endure; most things do not endure. We seek at this school to bring you into contact with things so enduring that they deserve the name immortal.
-Our efforts here will have failed if you do not know yourselves, if you are not strong enough to see and control your temptations, if you are insensitive to the feelings of those around you. Our efforts here will have failed you if you do not grow in your awareness of the beauty and order of the universe and of the great achievements of your fellow men and women.
-Vision is the quality that enables us to look beyond the immediate, beyond the present, to see our lives in a larger context, to postpone gratification in order to achieve long-rage goals.
-The vision of the future gives you something to strive for now in the present.
-Important, though, as such a vision is, it is nothing like as important as an overall vision for your whole life.
-Such a vision must entail not only finding meaning in your life but meaning also in your inevitable death.
-Most people never seek or achieve such a vision. MATTHEW ARNOLD. Rugby Chapel, November 1857.

  What is the course of the life
Of mortal men on the earth?
Most men eddy about
Here and there, eat and drink,
Chatter and love and hate,
Gather and squander, are raised
Aloft, are hurl'd in the dust, 
Striving blindly, achieving
Nothing; and then they die,
Perish; and no one asks
Who or what they have been...

-Winston Churchill, when asked what is the King of Virtues, instantly replied: Courage, because  it is the guarantor of all the others.
-It takes courage to seek a great vision for our lives and much greater courage to make the sacrifices along the way to follow that vision. It is easy to sit around whining and complaining and blaming. It takes courage to lead, to aspire to greatness.
-In any given generation there are only a few men and women of discernment, vision, and courage. Only a few. Only a few. Jesus said to his tiny band of apparently insignificant ragtag followers who went on to turn the world upside down: 'You are the salt of the earth'. A few tiny grains who could transform the taste of the whole meal. A few individuals of discernment, vision, and courage who could transform a whole society in their generation. The reason for this school's existence in every generation is to produce just such individuals, just such committees of one, who will be in their generation the salt of the earth.

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