Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Quotes IV

-Like one who has eaten and drunk too much and vomits painfully and then feels better. so did  the restless man wish he could rid himself with one terrific heave of these pleasures, of these habits of this entirely senseless life.
-Mentally he went through the whole of his life.
-How many long years he had spent without any lofty goal, without any thirst, without any exaltation, content with small pleasures and yet never really satisfied.
-Without knowing it, he had endeavored and longed all these years to be like all these other people, like these children, and yet his life had been much more wretched and poorer than theirs, for their aims were not his, not their sorrows his.
-He sat all that day under the mango tree, thinking of his father, thinking of Govinda, thinking of Gotama. Had he left all these in order to become a Kamaswami?
-The same night, Siddhartha left his garden and the town and never returned.

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