Saturday, January 7, 2017

Angels in my hair by Lorna Byrne. Quotes

-When babies die, their spirits stay with their mothers for as long a they are needed.
-All babies see angels and spirits.
-Your guardian angel is the gatekeeper of your body and your soul. He was assigned to you before you were even conceived; as you grew in your mother's womb he was there with you at every moment protecting you.
-Angels need to be asked for help.
-Your religion makes no difference.
-It is your tears that souls need to set them free.
-Animals see angels so easily.
-It is never too late for us to change our minds and make the right choice. Angels can help us to make the right choice if we choose to listen.
-Sometimes tough things have to happen in order for people to change, and for things to change in their lives. Miracles happen all the time. People just fail to notice them.
-Death for mos humans is a continuous flow from one life to another.
-Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
-Even at difficult times when we think nobody cares, that nobody loves us, the angels are there. Always remember: angels' love is unconditional.

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