Monday, January 2, 2017

Your erroneous zones by Wayne Dyer. 22 characteristics of people freed of erroneous zones.

1.    They like virtually everything about life.
2.    They are free from guilt.
3.    They are nonworriers.
4.    These people are independent.
5.    There is an absence of approval seeking.
6.    They represent a lack of enculturation.
7.    They know how to laugh, and how to create laughter.
8.    They accept themselves without complaint.
9.    They appreciate the natural world.

10.  They have insight into the behavior of others.
11.  They never engage in useless fighting.
12.  They are not sickly people.
13. They are honest.
14.  They don't blame.
15. They have little concern with order, organization, or systems in their lives.
16. They posses high energy levels.
17. They are aggressively curious. 
18. They are not afraid to fail. 
19. They display an admirable lack of defensiveness.
20. Their values are not local.
21. They have no heroes or idols.
22. They love themselves.

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