Monday, May 13, 2019

Win forever by Pete Carroll. Quotes II

-Contingency planning. Preparation and practice sessions should be designed so that the performer is trained for all potential outcomes and events.
-In all areas, he wanted to have a plan for everything.
-I had learned that they were winners not solely because of their win/loss records but also because of their strict attention to detail, confidence in themselves, and rock solid philosophies.
-Great leaders in sports seem to have a knack for creating defining moments.
-I talked from the inner depths of my being.
-A head coach should be able to hire his own coaching staff if he wants a cohesive unit and also have a strong hand in selecting players. Confidence and trust are vital to a successful organization, and leadership must be supported unconditionally, to the bitter end if necessary.
-If I were ever to find myself in an organization where competition didn't play a central role, then I should immediately recognize that I was in the wrong place.
-The essence of my message about competing has nothing to do with the opponent. My competitive approach is that it's all about us.
-My opponents are the people who offer me the opportunity to succeed.
-In our practices, we always end each day with our best offensive players competing against our best defensive players to create the most competitive situations.
-The beauty of it was that his mentality became a part of the 49ers culture.

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