Friday, August 9, 2019

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Millar. Quotes.

-Sometimes in difficult family moments or a crisis, children display wisdom and understanding far more on point than the surrounding aggravated or bereaved adults.
-Spirituality is the central organizing principle of inner life in the second decade, boosting teens into an adulthood of meaning and purpose, thriving and awareness.
-The universal developmental surge in adolescence, previously viewed as a fraught passage toward physical and emotional maturity, is now understood more fully to also be a journey of essential spiritual search and growth.
-Now more than ever, in a culture where often enormous amounts of money, empty fame, and cynicism have become toxic dominant values, our children need us to their quest for a spiritually grounded life at every age, and to discover or strengthen our own.
-Optimism was shown to be teachable, not just inborn.
-Our children have an inborn spirituality that is the greatest source of resilience they have as human beings.
-Fulfillment in life is found in meaning and purpose, in spiritual bearings, and not in a better computer, a nicer car, the latest cell phone, or more money.
-Scientists can make the numbers say anything they want.
-The important question for a parent to consider is: Might I offer my child something relevant and beneficial, even if it is not something familiar to me?

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