Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller. Quotes VIII

-The tumultuous period of adolescence is when values and priorities are forged, meaning and purpose are discovered, and an inner compass is honed. this critical work of crafting the self helps the teen determine how to engage with the world.
-Spirituality si the most robust protective factor against the big three dangers of adolescence: depression, substance abuse, and risk taking.
-Spiritual individuation is the adolescent's drive to find deeper personal meaning and purpose, in himself and in life.
-The process of spiritual awakening is triggered by puberty, literally ignited in the brain by the same rush of hormones that trigger sexual growth.
-Family, school, community, and personal choices of the adolescent create the environment that shapes the adolescent brain.
-When head and heart are connected, there is a resource, a guiding inner voice, that helps answer the questions and can actively respond to help the teen resist temptation.
-The emerging picture from research is clear: the brain's front-back connectivity is critical in helping adolescents process their experiences and feelings, modulate impulses, and make good decisions that are informed by head and heart.
-Severed spirituality occurs when transcendence is not infused into the developmental process of adolescence. The foundation is built withouth the strength, connection and direction of spirituality. If we have severed the spirit during groundlaying work, the house is colder, darker, and less sure. The structural integrity is compromised.

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