Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XI

-People ask me if souls feel remorse both during and after the council meeting if they were involved in acts of cruel wrongdoing. Of course they do, but often I must remind those who ask this question that accountability for wrongdoing frequently comes with the selection of the next body for the payment of karmic debts.
-Although karma is associated with justice, its essence is not punitive but one of bringing balance to the sum of our deeds in all past lives.
-Many of our attitudes and ego hang-ups come from other lifetimes and seeing this in a different context gives the client a new perspective in current time.
-People need to see that the twists and turns in their lives all have meaning and purpose.
-As ethereal beings, our growth actually began in the mental realm of the spirit world with other souls before any of us incarnated.
-During reincarnation, the closeness souls feel for each other in a mental setting is severely tested by karmic challenges in our host bodies.
-"He was so ungainly and rough-looking I was embarrassed to be seen with him because of what others might think. Out of pride, spite and feelings that I was being taken for granted, I married a handsome man who catered to my whims. I lost the happiness that could have been mine."
-Being with the 'wrong' person for a period in your life does not mean that time was wasted. The relationship was probably intended in advance. In fact, you might see this soul again in the spirit world in a different light.
-I will ask about prior and current relationships  that have had significance in their life.
-Without trust, intimacy suffers and love cannot grow. Love is the acceptance of all the imperfections of our partners. True love makes you better than  you would be without that person in your life.
-People often equate love with happiness. Yet happiness is a state of mind that must develop within you and not be dependent upon someone else. The most healthy kind of love is one where you already feel good about yourself and so extending your love to someone else is totally unselfish. Love takes hard work and continual maintenance. I have had numerous divorced subjects who learn that their first loves were primary soulmates. Things might have worked out if they both had tried harder.
-Soulmates will from time to time separate for a life or two and not appear at all.
-Every era on Earth is different as to the sort of attachment and experience we will have with a soulmate. However, each life with them builds upon former lives.

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