Thursday, January 31, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XVI

-Our soul energy was created by a higher authority than we can know in our present state of development.
-Essentially, we are alone with our soul, yet people who feel lonely haven't quite found themselves.
-Based on my practice, I am convinced that everyone on this planet has a personal spiritual guide.
-There are not accidents in life.
-Spiritual insight comes to us in quiet, introspective, subtle moments which are manifested by the power of a single thought.

-'Coming to Earth is about traveling away from our home to a foreign land. Some things seem familiar but most are strange  until we get used to them, especially conditions which are unforgiving. Our real home is a place of absolute peace, total acceptance and complete love. As souls separated from our home we can no longer assume these beautiful features will be present around us. On Earth we must learn to cope with intolerance, anger and sadness while searching for joy and love. We must not lose our integrity along the way, sacrificing goodness for survival and acquiring attitudes either superior or inferior to those around us. We know that living in an imperfect world will help us to appreciate the true meaning of perfection. We ask for courage and humility before our journey into another life. As we grow in awareness so will the quality of our existence. This is how we are tested. Passing this test is our destiny.

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