Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes XIV

-'Teachers can learn from students'
-'This is my passion, working with the moral codes of intelligent beings'
-Most of us start off making a lot of dumb mistakes and by the end of our life we become smarter. The idea of coming back in repeated incarnations is that eventually we will get it right early on and lead productive lives from the beginning.
-We are given many host bodies and all of them are imperfect. Rather than being obsessive about a body which will only last one lifetime, concentrate on the evolution of your soul Self and rely on your spiritual power.

-Why don't the powers that exist in the spirit world just prevent these natural disasters from happening in the first place and save people a lot of grief?
-Then, they would not be natural catastrophes, which are intended to be part of the conditions of life on Earth.

-'The mind of the psychopath is closed to reason. I am in training to maintain positive energy around calmer heads who can make a difference in world events.
-Those spiritual masters who designed the laboratory of chaos we call Earth did not set things in motion and then walk away. There are superior beings who care enough about our survival to watch over us.
-Within a geophysical environment, there are purely structural specialists, and those who create living things within these settings.
-These designer souls are the biologists and botanists of the spirit world and they say that extraterrestrial life exists on billions of planets. I have an extensive file on souls who have incarnated on other worlds and souls who have traveled to a variety of strange worlds for both study and recreation between their lives on Earth.
-I picture a full-fledged Explorer Soul as a highly specialized, non-incarnating being who seeks out suitable training sites for the less-experienced souls and then eventually leads them to these regions.
-I don't see nearly as many clients with memories of going to mental worlds. This is natural. We are beings used to bright light and physical dimensions.
-If we have dreams of being tall giants, very short elfin-appearing beings, or having the bodies of water and air creatures, this could mean these dreams reflect unconscious memories of a prior incarnation on another world.
-Everything on Earth and in the Universe is apparently connected by thought waves to and from the spirit world.
-Hybrid soul clients. These people are negatively influenced by too-little experience with the human body and too many alien imprints carried over from their former existences.

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