Thursday, October 26, 2017

Knight. My story. By Bob Knight. Quotes VI

-I have always had people come in and talk to my teams. I wanted them to hear from successful people their thoughts on why they were successful and what it took to be successful.
-Coach, don't officiate.
-Both knew how to play.
-Knowing when to quit is a rarity.
-I never drank. I never took a puff on a cigarette, ever. I am so unalterably opposed to those things that it's hard for me to accept people in athletics smoking, drinking, or using drugs.
-I judge too many situations by what I would do, forgetting that not everybody is going to do what I do, or react the way I'd react, which my wife Karen says is probably a real plus for the whole world.
-I told them if anybody lied to me, he was gone.
-Like all really good teams, they were well put together and very well coached.
-My practices are quiet. That's my classroom, where I do my teaching.

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