Monday, March 18, 2019

Compass, a handbook on parents leadership by James Stenson. Quotes VIII

-The healthy family, the sporting adventure family, sees their children as adults in the making.
-Family rules are set in place not to control the children but rather to direct them. The rules have a purpose: to strengthen the kids' conscience and character through example and directed practice in responsible living.
-Parent either pay now, or they pay later.
-Responsible parents act as leaders in the family.
-Leaders are moved by a long-term vision, and so they win people's respect. Our most respected leaders are those who look farthest toward the future and foresee oncoming perils and opportunities.
-The farther and clearer the vision, the greater the respect.
-Parent leaders set high ideals for their children's later lives. They think of their children's future along these lines:
1. Children will have excellent judgment, especially in the choice of a spouse.
2. They will center their lives in a stable, happy marriage.
3. They will succeed in their careers, doing work they enjoy.
4. They will support their families comfortably but not luxuriously.
5. They will be generous to friends and those in need.
6. They will never live as quitters.
7. They will be nobody's fool or pushover.
8. When they've done wrong, they'll face the truth and apologize.
9. They will be esteemed for their honesty, integrity, hard work, generosity, religious commitment, and confident good humor.
10. They will remain close to family.
11. They will live by their parents' principles.
12. Their whole lives will be moved by love.

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