Wednesday, March 27, 2019

With love and prayers by F. Jarvis. Quotes III

-If you want to be healed, restored, reinvigorated, you must stop and wait upon the Lord, stop and take stock.
-There is something in our matures that makes us resist thinking, resist helping ourselves. There is a fear of stopping, a fear of taking stock, of thinking about ourselves. We need to overcome that inner rebelliousness to take control, to take charge of our own lives. We need to stop. The Quakes call this centering down, quieting ourselves, waiting upon the Lord.
-We stop in life in order to look and listen for clues about the meaning and purpose of our lives. We find meaning only if we are looking and listening for it.
-You never see unless you stop and look diligently.
-If you stop and assiduously look for the meaning of your life, your goals and objectives, a star will always appear and guide you, perhaps not where you think you want to go, but to a truth greater than you can imagine.
-St. Luke tells us in his Gospel that when the angels sang their song that night, only the shepherds heard it. The shepherds were the lowest class of society. They were out in their fields, in the silence of the night, watching their sheep, listening.
-The foolish among you will say, because I don't see it, it isn't there. Because I don't hear it, it isn't there. The wise among you will realize that to see and hear you have to stop and be quiet. You have to center down. You have to shut up. You have to wait. Then you will see and then you will hear.
-Having myself lived in a glass house, however, I cannot throw stones.
-All of life should be an awakening of awareness.
-The reality beyond sensual, that reality that cannot be seen or touched or heard or smelled. to our awareness of that Reality that, though impenetrable to us, really exists.
-It's been my experience, that's it's often the nuts who ask the ultimate questions.
-If any of your boys want to become doctors, send them to me. I will tell them why they should not. I no longer enjoy what I do. Why do you keep doing it, then? I asked him. Because I like the things  I can buy with the money I make. And he talked about his cars, his stereos, and the other adult toys he buys to give him moments of pleasure amid a life he hates, moments of escape from the pain.

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