Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Knight. My story. Quotes XVII

-Pete Newell always used to tell me you should not stay any place very long.
-Constantly trying to get back to a level that very few have ever reached weighs on you.
-I have never felt my job was to win basketball games, rather that the essence of my job as a coach was to do everything I could to give my players the background necessary to succeed in life. To the absolute best of my ability, I have tried to provide them with a work ethic, and ability to excel at crucial times, and a determination to be as good as they could be at whatever they do.
-Not everyone you think is a friend is a friend. No one could possibly have more good friends in more walks of life that I have had. Those people, like me, don't confer friendship easily.
-When the one great scorer comes to mark against your name, it matters not that you won or lost, but how you played the game. Grantland Rice.
-Caring for and being honest with people is a pretty meaningful way to 'play the game'.
-Where I have been most fortunate is something I had nothing to do with. It occurred the moment I was born, to great parents, in America.
-A part of that grace is a responsibility I believe each of us has: to make sure we provide those who follow us with the same opportunities you and I were given by those who preceded us. That's uppermost among all that I have tried to do as a coach. I and thousands of other coaches and teachers that kids across this country have been fortunate enough to have at some point in their lives.

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