Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Quotes II

-Once or twice between lives we visit this group of higher beings who are a step or two above our teacher-guides.
-These masters are as close as I can come to the Creator.
-Going in front of the council is like being sent to the principal's office in school.
-Souls voluntarily select less than perfect bodies and difficult lives to address karmic debts or to work on different aspects of a lesson they have had trouble with in the past.
-Most souls accept the bodies offered to them in the selection room but a soul can reject what is offered and even delay reincarnating. Then, too a soul might ask to go to a physical planet other than Earth for a while.
-If we accept the new assignment, we are often sent to a preparation class to remind us of certain signposts and clues in the life to come, especially at those moments when primary soulmates come into our lives.
-Souls join their assigned hosts on the womb of the baby's mother sometime after the third month of pregnancy so they will have a sufficiently evolved brain to work with before term.
-"The only thing of true importance in this material life is the way we live and how we treat other people."

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